
Christmas songs

Wherever you go – whether it’s the supermarket or a restaurant, the sound of Christmas music fills your ears.


Even as you stroll up to the Playday English school, Christmas songs play throughout the Shindaikumachi arcade.


In America, businesses and radio stations start playing Christmas music after Thanksgiving, which is usually when they start putting up Christmas decorations.


Christmas music warms the heart and creates a cheerful environment. It makes us think of the ones we love, the story of Christmas and the spirit of giving. Sometimes you can’t help but sing along with the music when you hear it.


There are many kinds of Christmas songs like the silly “Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” and Christian songs like “Joy to the World” and “Silent Night” that tell the Christmas story.


In the days leading up to Christmas,Americans enjoy walking through neighborhoods and singing Christmas songs at each door. This is called Christmas caroling and the singers are called carolers. They do this to spread Christmas cheer to everyone they meet.


Rob teacher’s favorite Christmas song is “Santa Claus is Coming to Town “.


Alyssa teacher’s favorite Christmas song is “O Holy Night.”


Mizuho’s favorite Christmas song is Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You.”


Do you have a favorite Christmas song?
