
Christmas Party 2011

Thank you again to everyone who came to our two Christmas parties last year. We played great games, sang our favorite Christmas songs and played with Santa! Even Santa said he had a blast!




We apologize for the long wait, but at last, all of our Christmas party pictures and videos are on the website. Now, those who were unable to attend the parties can see what we did. Click here to view the party pictures




Unfortunately, we were only able to video the secondChristmas party of the elementary students. The first party had about 60 students so our staff had their hands full and could not take any video. The second party had about 30 students. We do have lots of video of our students receiving their presents from Santa as well as the Santa video we played at the party. Click here to view the Christmas videos.




There is a new menu button on our website just for videos. Be sure to check it out and see our videos from our Halloween and Christmas events last year.

