
One Potato, Two Potatoes

Do you know the song “One Potato, Two Potatoes?” It is a very well-known children’s song in America. The lyrics are: One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four. Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more!


“One Potato, Two Potatoes”の歌を知っていますか? アメリカで、よく知られている子どもの歌です。歌詞は、One potato, two potatoes, three potatoes, four. Five potatoes, six potatoes, seven potatoes, more! です。


We have been using that song in several of our Playday classes to teach counting and the difference between singular and plural forms. We even bought real potatoes for the kids to touch and pass to each other as they sing the song. As they sing, they soon discover that we add an “s” sound to the word potato when we count two or more potatoes.




Of course, you can change the lyrics to count bananas, rabbits or whatever you want to count to make it more fun and interesting for the kids. Or, you can turn it into a game. We did potato bowling in our third-year Kindergarten classes.




We included the “One Potato, Two Potatoes” song in our mom and tots classes as part of our vegetables lesson. We played with a Mr. Potato Head toy and made our own potato head craft using paper cutouts of fruits and vegetables as the body parts.


Mom&Totsのクラスでは、野菜のことを学習する授業の一環として”One Potato, Two Potatoes”の歌を加えました。ミスターポテトヘッドのおもちゃで遊んだり、体のパーツとして切り絵の果物や野菜を使って自分たちのポテトヘッドを作りました。


Maybe you can play some games or sing songs with the vegetables and fruits you might have at home.

