
Reading with your kids

Helping your child to read


Reading is a challenge for all kids. Don’t be discouraged, though. With your help and your love, your kids will not only become great readers but will also LOVE to read.
Here at Playday, your child is getting a holistic English education. As well as learning conversation and expanding their vocabulary, we also believe it is important for children to be able to read, write and recognize the meaning of the words they are reading and writing.
In recent decades, it has become common sense that a parent’s involvement in a child’s education is crucial to educational success. It’s no different when your child is learning another language. Some of you may have gone through our Mom and Tots program, where you are encouraged to use English with your child in and outside the classroom. Our hope is that your dedicated involvement continues beyond the Mom and Tots class and into all areas of your child’s education.
The ABCs and their sounds have been burned into your child’s memory. Many parents have heard us go through the motions – “A. Apple. /a//a/ apple!” Despite mastering the ABCs and their sounds, words can look intimidating to children – especially when they are in a different language! It’s important to recognize that your child is already extremely accomplished  in that they are learning a second language at such a young age and succeeding! By giving them positive reinforcement, even when they are struggling to read, you can boost your child’s confidence and even strengthen the bond between parent and child.
Here are some tips to helping your children to read:
  1. First of all, invite your kids to read with you on a regular basis.
  2. Practice the alphabet with them. We have provided all our students with our new alphabet cards. If your child has misplaced theirs, here is a link to a printable version of the Alphabet poster. We will also gladly provide you with a replacement.
  3. If your child is having a hard time reading a word, cover parts of the word so that he or she is confronted with one letter at a time.

For example, if your child is trying to read the word “CAT”.

Reveal the vowel, “A”. Have your child identify the vowel first and then reveal the following letter, A woman with her daughterin this instance “T”. Once they are confident reading the “AT” sequence, reveal the first letter, “C”. Use your finger to guide them as they read the word “CAT”. Begin by moving your finger slowly across the word so that they can mentally isolate the sounds. Then move your finger across the word faster so they can put the sounds together to form the word “CAT”.

Remember, patience and encouragement is crucial for their progress. If they identify the letter incorrectly, use positive language such as “Nice try. Let’s try again.” instead of “No, that’s wrong!”. They will get it eventually and with more practice, they will become quicker and more confident.
We are always happy and available to support your kids too! Remember, we offer Excel English as an opportunity for your children to be exposed to more English. Give us a call at the office (095-822-5608) or come visit us to make an appointment.